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Socom 3 is on the Street

I picked up Socom 3 yesterday and gave the online portion an introductory 12 hour trial run, I can say that I am very pleased with it. I do have a ways to go before I am completely acclimated to the new controls, but am looking forward to mastering all the vehicles. I had a good run last night single handily running the tank to a good hill top and then popping over the main gun to cover my CONVOY.

There are two new game types in Socom 3 US navy Seals, those being 'Convoy' and 'Control'. Convoy is great fun and the parameters of the game forces some strategy on both sides, there were a few Convoy medleys available last night and I enjoyed them. It was amusing during a Convoy game to watch people running down the middle of the road. I could not find one Control medley, I am looking foreword to that as well.

The configurable guns were awesome and the suppressors seem to work great especially on these bigger maps.

There was some strange lag going on including not showing scores at the end of games. I do hope lag has been dealt with somewhat in Socom 3.

Loading the bigger maps works great during game play, but when your flipping between players after you have died it is tedious. The load time in general was awesome making for a lot less wait time overall.

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