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Report Cheats, the Spectator Glitch in Socom 3

     Right now the glitchers are up and Sony/Zipper should be taking defensive actions, stemming the losses and improving the online community by banning users who are ruining the online experience of the rest of us.
     The spectator glitch is a full sized exploit where a spectator is able to kill players. Someone using the spectator glitch is not able to be shot, but can sometimes be ran over or killed by an HE. They will be invisible or in in either sides costumes. When in a vehicle, the vehicle will look white on your radar (not red or blue).
     The only thing you can do is try to win the game and leave it far behind as soon as you hit the lobby.
     And our only hope is that Zipper or Sony will ban obvious glitchers from the game, some people would encourage you to post the Glitchers Name on the Socom 3 message board along with the Server, Game Name and Time.
Report glitchers here!
     This exploit is currently ruining the online play!! Lets hope Sony/Zipper stands up and not continue to stand down, waiting months for the perfect patch! This aggression must not stand!


Weighed Down

Just a quick post here of some random thoughts on gun load out and weight. If you are like me, you are changing your entire load out between every game, and also between every round. You know how it goes, you need to take out armor, but you also need a scoped gun which would be double cool if it was silenced. Take the 552 with med-scope, front-grip and m2 mines with a side of smoke.




Gripe time. I stayed up for 6 hours last night playing convoy on Socom 3. How many times do you think we won the game? zero? Yep! And you know why? Because everytime you are in the lobby, everyone piles onto the seals team, then when the game starts the terrorists are down 4 to 8 peeps. Coupled with the fact that the seals need only shoot two convoy vehicles to win, they win right from the lobby. THAT SHIT IS LAME! It really is not much of a game when it is 16 Seals versus 8 terrorists on Harvester Convoy, and the seals are still all sr25sd on the load zones, and even using the GL frags.