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Extraction Medley, Socom 3

Extraction Medley, Socom 3

Extraction Mission:
Protect hostages in your custody or rescue them from the enemy and move them safely to the extraction point(s) before the time expires.

Extraction Medley, Socom 3 Maps
Devils Road
Tidal Fury
Storm Front

Escort Medley, Socom 3

Escort Medley, Socom 3

Escort Mission:

Escort Medley, Socom 3 Maps
Killing Fields

Control Medley, Socom 3

Control Medley, Socom 3

Control Mission:
Recon the area by planting beacons at key Navpoints on the map before the opposing team can. Once a beacon is planted by a team at a control point, it cannot be removed. Both teams can plant beacons at the same control point. The first team to plant beacons at all control points wins, or the team with the most beacons planted at the end of the round wins.

Control Medley, Socom 3 Maps (all maps except Boneyard)
Killing Fields
Devils Road
Tidal Fury
Storm Front

Breach Medley, Socom 3

Breach Medley, Socom 3

Breach Mission:

Breach Medley, Socom 3 Maps
Tidal Fury

Suppression Medley, Socom 3

Suppression Medley, Socom 3

Suppression Mission:

Suppression Medley, Socom 3 Maps (all maps)
Killing Fields
Devils Road
Tidal Fury
Storm Front


SOCOM 3 Scopes and Zoom Levels

Just a little rundown on the different zoom levels on the scopes:

LOW SCOPE 1.5x and 3.0x magnification
4X SCOPE 4.0x magnification
MEDIUM SCOPE 3.0x and 8.0x magnification
12X SCOPE 12.0x magnification
HIGH SCOPE 6.0x and 10.0x and 16.0x magnification
THERMAL SCOPE 4.0x magnification
BINOCULARS: 12.0x magnification

20051018 looking for hard core gamers!

High Country Gamers are looking for serious, in it to win it, SOCOM 3 gamers.

• Do you like strategy, communication and winning?
• Do you enjoy winning the hard maps?
• Do you play cool as ice and get lots of kills?
• Do you like smart plays?
Got Tactics? is looking for leaders in online games and on the web at the [HCG] guild is looking to build tactics and teams that are unstoppable online in Socom 3 and develop web content that supports our teams, tactics and better game play online at

Get with the crew:

Demolition Medley, Socom 3

I am really beginning to like the Demolition Medleys on SOCOM 3 quite a bit. Due to the fact that the tasks are pretty straight forward: get the bomb and plant it in the enemy base, this game type seems to get the least amount of draws. Hopefully most of the Newbies will pick up the idea soon and will quite just hanging out in bushes when you can be either playing defense or offense with the the football being the bomb.

Demolition Mission:
• Defend your teams base while retrieving and planting the bomb at the base of the opposing team.

Demolition Medley, Socom 3 Maps
• Harvester
• Crucible
• Killing Fields
• Citadel
• Tidal Fury
• Storm Front
• Fault
• Waterworks
• Blackwoods

Convoy Medley, Socom 3

Convoy Medley, Socom 3
What can I say, team work rules.

Convoy Mission:
• Terrorists team use a convoy of two cargo trucks and armed vehicles (sometime tanks) to retrieve and move important supplies from one of two load zones to the extraction point. Seals team prevent the enemy from doing so by destroying the two cargo trucks, killing the enemies or prevent them from delivering one truckload of the cargo to a drop zone.

Convoy Medley, Socom 3 Maps
Killing Fields
Devils Road

Supression & Draws

After a few days of play I am still torn about the no draws on suppression maps. Here is how it works: The team with the most men left standing after time expires is the winner. This keeps the game from continually ending with one guy hiding in a bush on these gigantic maps, but it does make it so the team with the most people is rewarded for camping and has a good chance of winning straight from the begining.

Case in Point: I joined a game last night that started with 16 seals versus 12 terrorists, and the seals just ran to the pinch points w/ SR25SDs hopped in bushes and waited, and waited, and waited until the end of the round to win. The poor terrorists were forced to run about the whole map searching the bushes, desperately trying to make up the four extra kills.



Well I just recently got my copy of SOCOM 3 and I was psyched to get online. Then the horror began, log in to the network via the nice Quick Logon feature and surf for a few seconds and get the big fat Error #36. Try again and agian, jut to get the same thing. Well after some experimenting, I have come up with a solution:

Log on and get into the first game you can within 20-60 seconds. After that you can leave the room and surf the main interface to your liking.


Control the Boat, SOCOM 3 bastards

Playing SOCOM 3 last night I finally found a Control Medley , it was Waterworks. I dig the swimming and actually dove under to avoided detection more than once. Though I had the misfortune to be in a learning game for some of the more selfish and aggravated players, so after listening to people wasting the mic hating on people, screaming to let them drive the boat it finally devolved into team killing.

I wish you could fire your own weapon, at least in some limited fashion, from all the vehicles when you were a passenger. I played Storm Front and the little rubber rafts were SO slow, but unlike the Tacticals at least you can shoot your gun from your position in the raft.

Convoy medley is still the most enjoyable, but I am really looking forward to the learning curve catching up to a serious gamer and war history buff like myself. A couple of times I rode with people who could follow in the tank as it cleared mines off the road or could take advantage of the tactical being drove to position to hit the convoy. Right now I see people trying to run each other over with the tacticals or ditching the convoy in the fire zone. Last night on Devil's Road I had a good truck driver who would follow the tank into the oasis, start the truck loading, get under armor while we sat in middle of the town shooting at pitiful unarmored fools, once the truck was loaded we would flip a bitch and make a fast run home. So Fun!

Got Tactics?

SOCOM 3 boasts 48,000 online players

On the second night after the release of SOCOM 3, the developers are boasting that at one point there was 48,000 simultanious online players. Don't worry I have alreadyt done the math for you:

If you can frag one person a second, it would take you 13.3333 hours to frag all the unique players.

Looking for a clan:


Socom 3 is on the Street

I picked up Socom 3 yesterday and gave the online portion an introductory 12 hour trial run, I can say that I am very pleased with it. I do have a ways to go before I am completely acclimated to the new controls, but am looking forward to mastering all the vehicles. I had a good run last night single handily running the tank to a good hill top and then popping over the main gun to cover my CONVOY.

There are two new game types in Socom 3 US navy Seals, those being 'Convoy' and 'Control'. Convoy is great fun and the parameters of the game forces some strategy on both sides, there were a few Convoy medleys available last night and I enjoyed them. It was amusing during a Convoy game to watch people running down the middle of the road. I could not find one Control medley, I am looking foreword to that as well.

The configurable guns were awesome and the suppressors seem to work great especially on these bigger maps.

There was some strange lag going on including not showing scores at the end of games. I do hope lag has been dealt with somewhat in Socom 3.

Loading the bigger maps works great during game play, but when your flipping between players after you have died it is tedious. The load time in general was awesome making for a lot less wait time overall.

Get you and your Clan hooked up with a Socom 3 Gaming Guild like


Playing Silent, keeping my wifes head to the pillow

So last night has marked one week of house guests, they stay in my dedicated Socom room (my wife calls it the family room). Being part of a top Socom 3 Gaming Guild, I play most every night, for awhile, and at times for 6 hours or more (seriously).
So after a week away from my machines, my online crew, and the thousands of victims awaiting online I needed to set up for some muted gaming (mute TV).
Playing silently I gained more kills than deaths, but without the visceral nature of gunfire and grenades the excitement was just not there. Getting jumped or not realizing your team has gone down was frustrating, but I was reading the red flicks on the cross hairs much better by the end of it. My second game on deathtrap as seal earned me MVP but was not enough to keep me online for more.

The short story is without the rumble of gunfire, SOCOM 3 is just not as exciting as it is with sound. I think I need to get a set of headphones rigged up to play at night, LOUD.

Though on a side note I must say I love Macintosh computers, with the ease of sharing an internet connection, I was able to cruise to the bedroom and share my wireless connection to my well worn Playstation.



Killing Fields
Devils Road
Tidal Fury
Storm Front

For images try this directory on a real slow host.

News on SOCOM 3 from the Developers

I was just perusing an article on socomblog and i decided to distill the good info for you. They have slightly reworked the controls adding somethiong they call 'TCA commands' which allow you to give commands to your oline teamates by tapping the button (Cover) or holding it for a split second (Follow). They rid the controller setups of sureshot, but put in 'frogman' which allows for nothing mapped to L3! That is terrific news to us guys with huge thumbs that had to use the M60 unless they wanted to always change fire rates, but the bad news is that this same setup also has the mic on the trigger buttons. One last bit of news is that you can once again unlock multiplayer secrets by finishing the single player levels.


SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Mobile Recon

Socom on your Cell Phone? You Bet!

During my Google today for news on the Socom franchise, I ran into something totally unexpected. According to an article at, you can play a socom spinoff on your cell phone. Details include the use of two characters: Wraith and Bronco; Six weapons to choose from: M4A1, M8, F90, HK5K, HK36, M8-M25; they also included the throat slit. Everything is curser based and uses one button. You hold the curser over territory and hit the button to get your men to move there, or you hold the curser over a bad guy (terrorist) and hit the button to shoot/slit throat.